How do I pay my Membership fees?
You can pay by direct bank transfer if you bank online. Please see the Standing Order Form here for our account details, and remember to include your name as a reference in the instruction to your bank, to enable us to identify your payment.
If you make any unexpected payments by this method, please inform our Treasurer so that the receipt of the payment can be checked.
If you don’t wish to pay online, download the Membership Renewal form here and post it (with payment) to the address on the form.
We regret we cannot accept cash.
When are subscriptions due?
The CVAM group membership year ends on 31st August and renewal subscriptions are due on 1st September.
Renewal dates are currently (July 21) being reviewed and may change to align with your joining date.
What are the Membership fees?
If you are a Full IAM Member, then "Full Membership" of CVAM is £20 / year (at Feb 2025).
For Associate members, CVAM membership is included within the Advanced Rider Course fee for 12 months. Subsequently, the CVAM Associate fee is as above (plus the IAM Associate fee).
For a "Friend" of CVAM it is £5 / year.
What are group wide emails?
Are you receiving regular updates and news from CVAM via email?
If not we may not have your current/correct email address or ‘anti-spam’ software may be filtering our emails.
Please let us know if you are not receiving regular emails by contacting the IT Manager.
If you have changed any of your personal contact details, please provide the new information by contacting the IT Manager.